Testing the Filer class

test_filer.test_Filer_append_existing_file(tmp_file: helpers.filer.Filer) → None

Run Filer to append to an existing file

test_filer.test_Filer_create(tmp_path: pathlib.Path, create: bool, expected: List[List[Union[None, str]]]) → None

Run Filer to read a file that does not exist

This is parametrize to test that if fails if create = False but passes when create = True

test_filer.test_Filer_delete_existing_file(tmp_file: helpers.filer.Filer, to_del: str, expected: List[List[str]]) → None

Run Filer to delete a line from an existing file

This is parametrised to check conditions where a line is not deleted

test_filer.test_Filer_read_existing_file(tmp_file: helpers.filer.Filer) → None

Run Filer to read an existing file

test_filer.test_Filer_sort_existing_file(tmp_file: helpers.filer.Filer, header: bool, expected: List[List[str]]) → None

Run Filer to sort an existing file

This is parametrised to check that headers are treated properly

test_filer.test_Filer_write_col_error(tmp_file: helpers.filer.Filer) → None

Check that Filer.write_col raises an IndexError if col is the wrong length

test_filer.test_Filer_write_existing_file(tmp_file: helpers.filer.Filer) → None

Run Filer to write to an existing file