For contributors

Comments, criticisms, and concerns are always welcome! If you would like to help with development, please follow the steps below.

Clone the repo

git clone
cd ToDonePy

Make a new environment

Follow your own protocol! I use pyenv for all my env/venv control, so I would do:

pyenv virtualenv ToDonePy
pyenv local ToDonePy

Regardless of how you do it, run the following once its created:

make develop

Start developing

Checkout the Makefile for lots of useful commands for testing, linting, and many others! Before committing any changes, I’d strongly recommend creating a new branch:

git checkout -b new_feature

And contribute!

Once you’re ready to share your changes, fork the repository on github. Then, add it as a remote to the repo and push the changes there.

git remote add origin
git push origin new_feature

Finally, open a pull request, and I’ll review it as soon as I can!

If you’re a command line nut like me, this can all be done from the command line using hub, a CLI for interacting with the github api. See their repo for installation instructions. Instead of the above, do:

hub fork --remote-name=origin
git push origin new_feature
hub pull-request

This will fork the repo, push your changes, and create a pull request, all without leaving the command line!